Groundcover Plants
Carex Ice Dance - Sedge - attractive all season!
Hemerocallis Naomi Ruth - Daylily - gorgeous peach, smaller clump variety.
Only a few left!
Hemerocallis, Stella d'Oro - Daylily - smaller clumper, abundant bloomer!
Only a few left!
Hosta Francee - a classic!
Hosta Pearl Lake - nice 2.5' heart-shaped mounds!
Hosta Wheee! - lots of squiggles!
Bamboo Stakes, Bundle of 10, 3 ft x 3/8 in
Hellebores seedlings – immature 2nd year plants of Sunshine Selections
Only a few left!
Hosta Invincible - fragrant flowers!
Alchemilla mollis - Lady’s mantle - great edger!
Heuchera Bronze Wave - Very nice!
Hosta Curly Fries - fun rippled hosta!
Hosta Lancifolia - Lovely & rapid grower!
Pulmonaria 'Mrs Moon' - Lungwort - long-bloomer
Hosta Liberty - very popular!
Hosta Blue Cadet - fantastic edger, fast grower!
Hosta Fire Island -stunning with red petioles!
Hakonechloa 'All Gold'/ Japanese Forest Grass All Gold
Hosta Hadspen Blue - new Blue!
Hosta Sun Mouse - new mini mouse!